Upson Hall Construction Update, 5/2016

26 05 2016

Taking a gander at Upson Hall, it looks like the renovation project is coming along nicely. The bump-outs are built out, sheathed and covered with the turquoise water resistant barrier. It looks like an insulation layer is going on top of the barrier, and then clips for the grey terra cotta panels. Many of the windows have been fitted, and the south windows of the west wing have had white aluminum surrounds installed, but the west face of the west wing is still metal stud walls, and neither of the bump-outs have received glazing.

Note that the building renovation is in two phases – the work set to wrap up this August focuses on floors 3, 4, and 5. Floors 1, 2 and what’s left in the basement will be finished over the following 12 months. There’s a third phase after those two, mostly dealing with enhanced landscaping.

According to Cornell’s project update page, mechanical rough-ins are underway for the rooftop equipment, and then the interior work (rough-ins, drywall, painting, ceiling installation) which is generally further along the farther up in the building one goes.

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