205 Dryden Road (Dryden South) Construction Update, 6/2016

21 06 2016

With occupancy expected by August, the trio of Collegetown midrises are moving at a pretty fast clip. 205 Dryden (Dryden South) has topped out, and construction crews are installing exterior steel stud walls and building out the structural frames for the projecting bay windows. Some light-colored brick can be seen on the pillars at the front entrance, and eventually it’ll expand to cover the front elevation, with limestone accents providing some visual interest. The interior light well seen from College and Dryden and the roof cap will be faced with colored metal panels in a shade similar to the limestone and brick. These photos are a week and a half old at this point, and since they were taken, the exterior stud walls have been sheathed with gypsum panels and Tyvek.

The building will have 10 4-bedroom suites, and according to the website, only one suite is left (5th floor, $1350/person), with rooms “for singles and small groups also available”.

A quick side note here – although the address when proposed was 205 Dryden, the address being used in the marketing materials is 207 Dryden. Either one is permitted, as the new Breazzano Center going up next door is 209-215 Dryden.

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2 responses

26 06 2016

I know central Collegetown must be a mess right now, and the whole area is having to deal with traffic issues, but better now than when the students are back this fall. Good to see the progress on this one. Any idea when the the corner lot has a solid/approved plan?

26 06 2016
B. C.

I have not heard anything. Novarr seems to be turning his attention to 215 College Avenue once Collegetown Terrace’s third phase is wrapped up next year. But, he has a few irons in the fire, so things could get changed up in the meanwhile.

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